
  1. Includes Mercury, Venus, and Mars with their own materials, behaviors, and audio
  2. Changed scaling and orbital distance of planets to make them accurate . This does NOT include the sun and Moon.  (1 unit = 0.1 AU for distance, scale is 1 unit = 1 Earth)
  3. Changed rotation and orbital speed of planets to reflect length of planetary year and planetary day
  4. Added three new sounds (alien_tone, hi_pop and lo_pop) and added them to Mercury, Venus, and Mars so each planet has a unique sound
  5. Organized assets in the Hierarcy under empty GameObjects "Planets and Sun", "GameLogic" (for the comet generator), and "Cameras" 
  6. Adjusted comet spawner distances and duration to account for the larger amount of solar system being represented
  7. Added splash screens on loading 


Created by Brian Boyles

Planetary scale and distance to the sun courtesy of NASA

Splash image courtesy of SpaceX's Falcon Test Flight


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